2014-02-12 16:33:16 UTC
On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 22:26:20 +0000 (UTC), Aardvark
utmost civility and courtesy for all those months, I
happened to mention that I have no respect for him, nor
will I ever have any. For some reason, he took this as
being in some way either uncivil or discourteous.
Would you mind trying to explain the meaning behind those
two words you wrote above? For some reason, even mustering
up my greatest powers of articulateness, I've been unable
to get him to understand their meaning.
Whut a croc of bullshit. <shaking head>
Don't take your stupidity out on me, please. It's *your*
stupidity- take it out on yourself.
Try again dimmy, it's your stupidity getting in the way of
being reasonable.
And yet I understand that lack of respect and civility aren't
mutually exclusive. I think you might like to do a re-think
there. That is, if you ever actually thought the first time.
Nope, that's not how I roll. No respect, no civility.
Yes. I know you give no respect and certainly no civility.
one *can* exist without the other. I proved it for months.
All you proved is how obnoxious and insulting you are.
Since when has addressing another poster civilly and with utmost
courtesy signify those things?
So you can't think of a single thing to give me reason to respect
I'm puzzled. If, as you seem to be saying, gaining my respect is
so important to you (the fact that you *don't* have it clearly
upsets you), then why do you behave towards me in such a way that
you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of ever earning it?
You seriously need to go back to basics on your current strategy.
It sucks.
No need to be puzzled. The truth appears to be that none of this
has anything to do with civility at all. For instance, there are
those posters who see questions or requests for back up and/or
clarification as attacks. Or, disagreeing with certain posters
seems to mean to them that you aren't being nice.
As I said, it appears to have nothing to do with civility,
something some simply do not understand. Its about control, about
some posters wanting to control how others post. IOW, post in a
manner that "I" (insert the nym of your choice here) find
acceptable or I will label you discourteous and a liar.
Notice the high five routine, LL? Frick and frack on the attack.
If the third parties would stop fueling the fire, I suspect you and
Aardvark could reach a resolution quickly.
Nothing to do with third parties. As I said earlier, it could all stop
tomorrow. I can easily ignore him and never refer to him. All he has
to do is stop humping my posts and try contributing on subject.
I disagree, the third parties shoulder a great deal of responsibility
in this, in my humble opinion.
Really? And who is the 3rd party? Would that be the poster thatOn Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:55:09 +0000 (UTC), Aardvark
Absolutely true.
Not long after I went on my crusade of addressing him withHow can you treat someone with civility when you
have no respect for them?
Lack of respect and civility aren't mutually exclusive.have no respect for them?
utmost civility and courtesy for all those months, I
happened to mention that I have no respect for him, nor
will I ever have any. For some reason, he took this as
being in some way either uncivil or discourteous.
Would you mind trying to explain the meaning behind those
two words you wrote above? For some reason, even mustering
up my greatest powers of articulateness, I've been unable
to get him to understand their meaning.
stupidity- take it out on yourself.
being reasonable.
mutually exclusive. I think you might like to do a re-think
there. That is, if you ever actually thought the first time.
one *can* exist without the other. I proved it for months.
courtesy signify those things?
Anyway- can you offer *one* single reason I should respect
someone like you? The fact that you constantly demand it not
being a reason, by the way.
Sure, but you won't so why bother.someone like you? The fact that you constantly demand it not
being a reason, by the way.
I'm puzzled. If, as you seem to be saying, gaining my respect is
so important to you (the fact that you *don't* have it clearly
upsets you), then why do you behave towards me in such a way that
you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of ever earning it?
You seriously need to go back to basics on your current strategy.
It sucks.
has anything to do with civility at all. For instance, there are
those posters who see questions or requests for back up and/or
clarification as attacks. Or, disagreeing with certain posters
seems to mean to them that you aren't being nice.
As I said, it appears to have nothing to do with civility,
something some simply do not understand. Its about control, about
some posters wanting to control how others post. IOW, post in a
manner that "I" (insert the nym of your choice here) find
acceptable or I will label you discourteous and a liar.
Aardvark could reach a resolution quickly.
tomorrow. I can easily ignore him and never refer to him. All he has
to do is stop humping my posts and try contributing on subject.
in this, in my humble opinion.
attacks others, not because of things said to them but in so called
defense of their alleged friends?
This is a stupid jenn tactic, block posters and then somehow try to
include them in your psycho babble.